August 30th:
Change the IR rule so there is no week 1 cool down: PASSED
Implementing the Sleeper auto-sub feature: FAILED
Change to PPR because articles and podcasts are hard: FAILEDPending:
Discuss at the end of the year changing passing TDs from 4pts to 6pts.
September 1st:
Flex seeding for consolation bracket: PASSED
Remove consolation bracket payout: PASSED
New budget: 1st $1K, 2nd $200: PASSED
Removal of destination house rotation: PASSED
Two keepers: FAILED
Removal of 250/150 limits over summer period: FAILED
2023 Committee Vote:
September 4th:
4th Down stop equals 1 point for defense: PASSED
Two keepers instead of one: FAILED
No limit on draft dollars for one month before draft: FAILED
League specific:
League dues changed to be combined with House/Food budget: PASSED
League dues now set to $600: PASSED
June 1st payment deadline: PASSED
New members start with $200 draft and no keepers: PASSED
September 5th:
League dues changed to $100: PASSED
Consolation Bracket winner gets half their dues back: PASSED
Cal Money Manager: PASSED
Set House/Food budget: PASSED* (Exact amount to be determined)
Rotate states OR, CA, Random: PASSED
New Committee: Zach, Cal, Cody, Dylan, Jesse
January 13th:
Trades during the offseason: PASSED
Keep COVID IR spots for 2021 season: PASSED
Sacko winner loses half of any additional draft dollars (over 200) they received during the season: PASSED
Move up trade deadline to Week 10: PASSED
Anyone who refuses to do Sacko punishment will allow the league to draft one player (up to $50) on their behalf: PASSED
Fix D/ST scoring for special team fumbles: PASSED
Kicker decimals: PASSED
+.5 for Tackles for Loss: PASSED
Acquisitions during the offseason: FAILED
Add 1 IDP player: FAILED
Increase keeper amount: FAILED
Add draft dollar trade limit: FAILED
Increase 250/150 limit: FAILED
Remove draft cash limits: FAILED
Draft dues, Sacko punishment and draft house will all be determined on the same date.
August 31st:
Keeper Draft 2020: PASSED (9-2)
Keep 1 Player: PASSED
Trade Auction Bucks: PASSED
Carry Over Auction Bucks: FAILED
Expand Committee to 5: PASSED
2020 Committee: Zach, Garrett, Cody, Cal, Dylan
Rule Nomination Period (July 3rd-August 3rd): PASSED
Two Year Grace Period On Repeat Failed Rules: PASSED
July 21st:
Auction Draft THIS year: PASSED (9-4) [Implemented]
Decimals THIS year: FAILED (7-6)
Change to Sleeper from ESPN: PASSED (10-3) [Implemented 2K20]
Change to 1 man Keeper NEXT year: FAILED (8-5)
14th team being Kaden or Spencer: KADEN (8-5) [Implemented]
Switch to FAAB: PASSED (11-1)
Decimals THIS year: FAILED (6-5)
Can you put an IR FA into your IR spot: PASSED
No two family members can be in committee: PASSED
Increase League Dues to $70: PASSED
Draft an IR player: FAILED (8-4)
End weekly payouts: PASSED (8-4)
Increase League Dues to $60: PASSED (8-0)
Change trade deadline to ESPN standard: PASSED
League Dues changed to $50: PASSED
League Constitution ratified
League Executive Committee created
League Dues changed to $40: PASSED
Put all teams in one conference: PASSED
Flex Playoff seeding: PASSED
Missed PAT counts for -1: PASSED
No rules proposed
Create League Dues: PASSED
All trades are automatically processed: PASSED
Trades cannot be vetoed, unless collusion present: PASSED
Change from 12 man to 14: PASSED
Change to a 16 week season: PASSED
Change FLEX to include RB/WR/TE: PASSED