Created in 2015.
Ratified Novevember 15, 2015
Updated September 3rd, 2024
1.1.1 The Executive Committee will be responsible for resolving all disputes that are not expressly covered by this Constitution.
If an Executive Committee member is involved in the dispute that member will recuse themselves from the decision making process and will be replaced by the Commissioner. If the Commish is on the committee the four remaining executive committee members will act alone. If the four remaining executive committee members can not reach a decision the they will choose a fifth person to break the tie.
1.1.2 An Executive Committee will be voted on the Friday before the draft every 2 years. (2023, 2025, 2027 etc.)
1.1.3 Voters will vote for their top five choices and the five persons with the most “points” will be appointed to the Committee.
1.1.4 A member can refuse the appointment to the committee.
1.1.5 If a member is absent or ballot can not be obtained prior to the draft that member will not get a vote.
1.1.6 Members can be voted onto the Executive Committee every voting cycle. (No term limits)
1.1.7 A member can step down from the committee in which case a special vote will take place where All members vote for their choice of replacement, including the member who stepped down. During this vote, a member is eligible to vote for himself.
1.1.8 An Executive Committee member can be impeached. Impeachment requires a 2/3 majority vote of all members except the Executive Committee member in question (9/13). If a member is impeached the voting process outlined in article 1.1.7 will be triggered.
1.1.9 Family law. The Executive Committee cannot include more than two members of the same family. If three members are voted in, the commish will decide which of the three members is removed, and whomever was 6th in Executive Committee voting will take that third fmaily members place.
1.2.1 To settle any disputes that arise that are not expressly covered by this constitution. (Main Job)
1.2.2 To compile a list of new rules and strategies to be voted on during the voting window (See article 1.3).
1.2.3 To make decisions and choices that are in the league's best long-term interest. They will help to create and/or maintain a competitive balance for all members, and generally reflect the overall wishes and attitude of the league as a whole while keeping in mind historical debates, trends, and outcomes (See Article 1.3)
It is important to note that this is a living, breathing constitution that will change and evolve over the lifetime of this league. If you have suggestions for changes, please submit them to one of the executive committee members or via GroupMe. All sections in this constitution can be changed ONLY through the process outlined in Article 1.4 including Article 1.4.
1.4.1 Any member can propose a rule change via GroupMe, directly to a committee member or the Friday before the Draft.
1.4.2 While rule proposals can be collected throughout the season, the offical vote to ratify them will take place, in-person, the Friday before the Draft.
1.4.3 Rules proposed must have a clear purpose to exsist i.e. quality of life improvement or a clear and obvious blind spot.
1.4.4 All rules proposed will be an open discussion the Friday before the Draft. If a rule gets a simple majority (including the Commitee), then the rule will pass.
1.4.4 Rule changes will be implemented the following season unless voted upon by the league.
1.4.5 Any special voting elections that take place during the season are not encouraged.
2.1.1 The cost of participating in the DVFFL is 600 dollars. If a Member can't pay in full for the year, let the entire Commitee know as to find a plan for that Member.
2.1.2 As of 2020, Cal is the money manager. All league dues, payments and payouts will be sent and sorted by Cal.
2.1.3 The Sacko punishments, the Championship Trophy engraving, website fee and shipment of both the Championship Trophy and Sacko (if applicable), will be covered by the league.
2.1.4 If a league member uses their own funds to cover one of these items, reach out to Cal.
First Place Takes home = $1000
Second Place Takes home = 200
2.3.1 Any Member can submit a house/destination to league via GroupMe.
2.3.2 League dues will cover the total cost of the house, food and drink.
2.3.3 Any unused money will rollover and be applied to the next house.
2.3.4 Locations can vary, best house for the league should always win. Members suggesting houses should keep in mind other Members who travel longer distances. So proximity to airports is a must.
2.3.5 House locations chosen between Feb-April and should be within the allotted limit of what the league pays to afford. No stimulus packages.
2.3.6 The draft fee does not cover Member travel to said draft destination.
2.4.1 The league should never feel like a chore, if a member chooses to resign, at any point, that member should alert the commitee.
2.4.2 Once alerted, the commitee will decide the best course of action, bringing the conclusion to the league as whole. Decisions will be made within a timely fashion and will be final.
2.4.3 New members will have the former team's roster wiped, leaving no keepers, and their auction money resets to $200.
The DVFFL will consist of 14 different teams, compiled in one conference with no divisions. The schedule will be determined by Sleeper.
3.2.1.A The teams will be compiled in one conference to accommodate Flex Seeding(3.3.2.A)
3.2.1.B The winner of the conference will be determined as follows: 1. Overall winning percentage 2. Points For 3. Head-to-head
3.2.2 Second place-Fourteenth Place of the conference will be determined as follows: 1. Overall winning percentage 2. Points For-Year to Date 3. Head-to-Head
3.3.1 The first seed is determined by the conference winner.
3.3.2 The 2-4 overall seeds will be determined by overall winning percentage, followed by points for, followed by head-to-head record.
3.3.2.A. The 5-8 seed will be placed in a pool where the 1st-4th place teams select from. The #1 seed will select their matchup first, selecting any of the 5-8th seeded teams. Then the 2 seed will select one of the three remaining 5-8th place teams. The 3 seed will then select one of the two remaining 5th-8th place teams. The fourth seed will then be matched up against the last remaining 5th-8th place team.
3.3.2.B A ceremony will be held to annouce the selections by the 1st-4th seeded teams. Their selection must be declared no later than Wednesday of Week 15.
3.3.3 The playoffs will commence on Week 15 concluding Week 17.
3.3.4 A consolation bracket will also take place during the same weeks and will determine the “winner” of the Sacko a.k.a The Dallas Cowboy Bowl presented by Jerry Jones.
3.3.5 As of 2023, Flex seeding will also apply to the consolation bracket. With only the 9th and 10th placed teams being "safe."
3.3.6 The 9th seeded team can select any of the 11th-14th seeded teams to play Week 15. The 10th seeded team selects one of the remaining 11th-14th seeded teams. Once matchups are chosen, the bracket plays as the platform dictates.
3.3.7 The bottom two teams, depending on who was chosen, will receive a bye in week 15.
4.1.1 The DVFFL Rosters will consist of 16 active roster spots and one IR spot.
4.1.2 There will be nine starters consisting of one QB, two RB, two Wr, one TE, one Flex defined as RB/WR/TE, one D/ST, and one Kicker.
4.1.3 The remaining seven spots will be bench slots
4.1.4 Rosters do not necessarily have to be full. All though fielding an incomplete lineup multiple weeks in a row without a strategic reason will be defined as “checking out.”
4.1.5 The position limits are as follows: QB-4, RB-8, WR-8, T.E-3, DEF-3, K-3
4.1.6 The IR spot can not be filled during the draft (16 rounds).
4.1.7 Starting in 2024, the IR spot can now be used right after the draft.
4.1.8 Starting in 2020, teams will be able to designate one player to keep into the next year.
4.1.9 A team can keep a player for as long as they want. However, each year they keep him, they pay double the price that player cost the previous year. Players who were drafted have their draft cost doubled. Players who were not drafted cost a base of $10 to keep. For example, if Player A cost $20 in the 2020 draft. To keep he will cost that team $40 in the 2021 draft.
4.1.10 For undrafted players, the base cost is 10 draft dollars to keep. Then price will double the next year (20, 40, etc). 10 draft dollar price is for all undrafted players. FAAB/FA costs don't matter to their price, only if they were drafted or not.
4.1.11 Teams decide their keeper the Friday before the Draft. They will pay whatever the auction price (if player is drafted) or pay $10 fee for FAAB/FA players. If player is traded for and drafted, the keeping team still pays double that players auction price to keep.
4.2.1 A complete starting lineup must be submitted each and every week.
4.2.2 Only players from the active roster may be used as part of a team's starting lineup.
4.2.2 In extenuating circumstances the Commish can submit a lineup for a person. Scores can be changed and decisions reversed if such a circumstance exist.
4.2.3 Extenuating circumstance does not include I went to church and missed that my best player was injured. Or anything of the like. A text must be placed to the commissioners prior to SUN at 10:00 AM PST to be considered.
4.2.4 An extenuating circumstance could be considered a planned absence when someone might not have the access to change their lineup and tells the Commish BEFOREHAND what to do.
4.2.5 If there is no communication with the Commish, the lineup stays as constructed when lineups lock.
4.2.6 A lineup that is incomplete when lineups lock will not be able to be completed later.
4.2.7 One incomplete lineup, defined as a missing or bye week player, not to be confused with an injured player, unless the player was ruled out two days before their scheduled game time, will result in a warning. Two straight will result in an automatic expulsion from the league for at least one year and then based upon available ownership spots (see waiting list).
4.2.8 Three incomplete lineups (not in a row like 4.2.7) in any one year will result in automatic expulsion
4.2.9 Exceptions apply for well reasoned strategy. Such as I was up by three and didn't want Romo to throw 5 picks so I didn't put anyone in my QB slot.
4.2.10 The Executive Committee will be in charge of giving warnings and taking steps toward expulsion. They along with input from the Commish can supersede these rules and accept an expelled member back into the league or impose a probation instead of full expulsion.
4.3.1 The Draft will be held over Labor Day Weekend. Location will be determined by the league (Section 2.3)
4.3.2 Members are expected to attend the Draft in-person. Exceptions can be made if it's an emergency or an inmovable conflict. Please communicate those as such to the entire Committee.
4.3.2 The nomination order will be determined by the Champion of the DVFFL.
4.3.3 The draft will be an auction.
4.3.4 Every team will start with an auction budget of 200 draft dollars. Starting in 2020 season, draft dollars will be tradable assets. Teams using draft dollars must include the amount in the trade via GroupMe or Sleeper chat.
4.3.5 A team cannot have more than 250 draft dollars. There is a 50 max limit on extra draft dollars. The reverse is also stated that a team must maintain a minimum of 150 draft dollars before any draft.
4.3.6 Any trade that puts a team over/under the 250/150 limit will be automatically reversed. If a team breaks this rule multiple times in a season, penalties will be assessed.
4.3.7 All trades including draft dollars need to be reported in a timely fashion to GroupMe/Sleeper chat. All draft dollar amounts will be tracked via the website and NutBot.
4.3.8 Teams are only allowed to trade draft dollars that apply to the current year/season they are in. Meaning a team cannot trade for draft dollars a season beyond the current budget. Example: It's week 8 in the 2021 season, a team has 170 draft dollars. That team can't make a trade to get 250 draft dollars for the 2022 season when they are currently still palying in the 2021 season.
4.3.9 Teams can make future bets that can apply to next year's ammount. But bets only, no player exchanges.
4.3.9 Once the draft is complete, every team starts again with 200 draft dollars for the upcoming season.
4.3.10 FAAB dollars cannot be traded for draft dollars.
4.3.11 The draft will be 15 rounds. If a team doesn't keep a player, they will have an open bench spot to use once free agency is open.
4.3.12 New teams in the DVFFL will start with $200. The previous Member's roster and cash will be reset for any new member.
4.4.1 The DVFFL will use a standard (not continuous) Free Agent Auction Budget system for Free Agency using a standard 100 dollar budget.
4.4.2 FAAB dollars can also be used as a trade asset with no limit on how much one team can trade.
4.4.3 Again, FAAB dollars CANNOT be transfered/traded into auction dollars.
4.4.4 FAAB does not carry over from season-to-season.
4.4.5 Players are off waivers following the draft and back on waivers after the first week of games.
4.4.6 After players come off waivers (24 hrs from the moment dropped), any player in the free agent pool can be picked up without costing you your spot in the waiver priority line or auction dollars.
4.4.7 After the draft the person who had the 14th pick will have first priority in the waiver line (used to determine ties when bidding) until week one at which time the order will be based on usage of waiver priority.
4.4.8 Once you claim someone off waivers (by bidding and winning the bid) you move to the back of the line. For instance in the preseason after the draft, if pick number 14 uses his waiver claim, but so does everyone else, he is back at one. If only one other person did he would be at 13 with the other person being 14 and everyone else moving up a spot.
4.4.9 Players who are dropped will be subject to the bidding process and become free agents if not claimed after a 24 hour waiver period.
4.4.10 Free agents are locked during the offseason (the time between the championship and the draft).
4.5.1 Trading is allowed and encouraged in DVFFL, and may be conducted between any Member. Trades may include multiple players from any position, FAAB bucks and draft dollars when designated.
4.5.2 Trades can be completed between any unlocked player i.e not having already played that week.
4.5.3 Trades can be unbalanced in size i.e two for one. Still only allowed 16 active players allowed with one IR player
4.5.4 Trades will be immediately processed.
4.5.4 Trades CANNOT be vetoed unless explicit collusion is EVIDENT, not speculatory. All players have incentive to win. The executive committee reserves the right to reverse any trade that they deem inconsistent with league competition and fair-play standards. This veto will only be invoked in extreme cases where it is obvious that one Member is trying to give another Member an unfair advantage. The Members in question may offer reasons why the trade should be allowed, but the decision of the executive committee is final once it has been rendered. If the trade involves a committee member, they may offer reasons for the trade to be allowed but will not have a say in the final committee decision. This is not a protection from bad decisions and a trade will be upheld until overturned by the executive committee. If the player who made a beneficial trade for himself and sold the other player a bill of goods he should not be punished.If a player makes a trade and it is up for review and he realizes he made a bad trade he must explain why he made the trade in the first place. LET'S ALL BE HONEST AND HAVE INTEGRITY.
4.5.5 The trade deadline will be Week 10. Offical deadline before the Thursday Night game (8:20pm EST/ 5:20pm PST). Any trade after this time will be reversed.
4.5.6 Any trade that includes draft dollars that puts one team above or below the allowed limit (including pending trades) will be automatically reversed.
4.5.7 Trade deadline is re-opened at the close of the Week 18 game. Teams can trade using players and their draft cash budgets. FAAB and future draft cash cannot be used.
4.6.1 From time-to-time, the NFL may change their designation of a particular player from one position to another or a player may line up in multiple positions throughout the game. For example, a wide receiver may be switched to a tight end and vice versa. DVFFL will use the designations provided by Sleeper.
4.7.1 Each Member is expected to actively manage their team each week, even if they are eliminated from any playoff consideration.
4.7.2 Members should stay engaged via GroupMe, Sleeper or Text. There is no required amount of sharing, but when tagged or texted, should reply in a timely manner.
4.7.3 If an Member does not submit a lineup for two consecutive weeks or has had three total incomplete lineups, the executive committee will have the right to assume control of the team and manage it for the rest of the season. However they can make no trades or transactions. Only Free Agent pickups to fill a spot due to injury or Bye. No waiver usage. Any prize money won by a committee-run team will be put back into the winner's pot or in the case of a champion given to second place, with third getting the second place purse. The second place team will be awarded title of League Champ which would be so sad.
5.1.1 Passing scores are worth 4 points with all other scores, including Kick and punt returns, worth 6
5.1.2 A player is awarded 1 point for every 25 yards passing and every 10 yards rushing and receiving
5.1.3 A player is awarded a point for every 25 yards kick returning and every 25 yards punt returning.
5.1.4 -2 points for fumbles and interceptions
5.1.5 2 points for any type of 2 point conversion
5.1.6 Kicking
1. Each PAT Made= 1
2. Each PAT Missed= -1
3. Total FG Missed= -1
4. Per yard = .1
5.1.7 Team Defense / Special Teams
1. Each Sack= 1
2. Fumble/punt/kick/interception/blocked punt or field goal Return TD= 6
3. Blocked Punt, PAT or FG= 2
4. Each Interception= 2
5. Each Fumble (including special teams) Recovered= 2
6. 2-PT Conversion Returns= 2
7. Each Safety= 2
8. Each Tackle-For-Loss= .5
9. Each 4th down stop= 1
10. 0 points allowed (PA0)= 5
1-6 points allowed (PA1)= 4
7-13 points allowed (PA7)= 3
14-20 points allowed (PA14)= 2
21-27 points allowed (PA21)= -1
28-34 points allowed (PA28)= -1
35+ points allowed (PA35)= -4
11. Less than 100 total yards allowed= 5
100-199 total yards allowed= 3
200-299 total yards allowed= 2
300-349 total yards allowed= 0
350-399 total yards allowed= -1
400-449 total yards allowed= -3
450-499 total yards allowed= -5
500-549 total yards allowed= -6
550+ total yards allowed -7
6.1.1 A waiting list of people wishing to join the league will be created.
6.1.2 The Executive Committee will be in charge of this list.
6.1.3 When a person leaves or is expelled the first person on the list is asked to join the league and so on and so forth.
6.1.4 New members then follow section (4.3.12) on new team startups. i.e. clean slate, 200 dollar starting draft cash.
6.2.1 The winner of the Sackoship will have their punishment determined by the league.
6.2.2 The winner will have to wear the Sacko trophy for the duration of the draft.
6.2.3 The winner will have their team name chosen for them by the highest scorer of the week.
6.2.4 Sacko winner will lose half of any additional draft dollars collected during the season. This rule only triggers if they have more than 200 draft dollars. Example: Sacko winner has 220 draft dollars. 10 of that is removed and they go into the draft with 210. Again this rule only applies to any additional draft dollars they earned during the season.
6.2.5 If the Sacko winner has an odd number of additional winnings, then we will round up. i.e. Sacko has 215, half would be 208 instead of 207. This is additional winnings at the end of the day.
6.2.6 Punishments should be reasonable. Friends first.
6.2.7 If a Sacko winner refuses/fails to do thier punishment, this rule is then triggered. Anytime during the draft, the league can draft one player for the Sacko winner's team using up to 50 of their draft dollars to draft the player. The Sacko Winner has no say in the player drafted and the price will be no higher or lower than 50.
Drafted: 8/17/2015 by Garrett